About Fination Global Company

We simplify Real Estate Investments & Trading

Fination Global Company is a Global initiative, created for the sole purpose of helping individuals globally to gain Financial Intelligence and attain Financial Freedom using Real Estate as a Major Vehicle

  • Real Estate Consultant Training
  • Real Estate Group Investment Project
  • Access to High Paying Investment Opportunities
  • Real Estate Consultant Commission
  • Fixed ROI Project and 10% Cashback Discount
  • Practicable Financial Education
Our Services

We Offer Exclusive Wealth Creation Services


Real Estate Investments

Invest in Real Estate to build generational wealth

Networking Opportunities

Create unlimited wealth through simplified multi-level marketing

Financial Education

Learn how to trade and acquire Real Estate properties without capital

Our Opportunities

Streams of Income

Property Trading

Generate profit from trading quality properties without capital. Only smart tricks

Team Bonuses

You earn reasonable cash and incentive bonuses when you build team

Sales Commission

You earn big commissions when you sell or promote company properties

Leadership Bonuses

You get special bonuses each time you scale up new leadership levels

Shareholder Bonus

You can become a shareholder in the company and earn daily cashflow

Incentive Awards

Get exciting incentive like car and smart gadget awards to scale your lifestyle

Most Commonly Asked Questions

These questions will keep you on track as to what you need to know about Fination Global and the opportunities the company presents to you to enable act fast to get ahead of the competition

Q: How much does it cost to activate premium membership?
Q: Aside Real Estate Investments, what are other earning opportunities?

A: You earn from several streams of income based on the extent of your activities in the platform. You can earn sales commission, referral bonus, team bonus and leadership bonus

Q: Can I buy and re-sell properties within the platform??
Q: Can I earn money by referring others and selling properties?

A: Although, referring is not compulsory, but it creates more channels of earnings for you. You will also earn sales commission on any property you sell

How It Works

How to Earn with Fination Global

It Works

Sign Up

Create your account to manage all your operations in one place


Activate a premium membership to access earning opportunities


Choose to buy, trade, sell or invest in properties for a decent profit


Withdraw your earnings at any time into your personal wallet